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Knowledge is the first step to greatness!

“Join Veerace NEET Academy—where concepts meet understanding, hard work meets results, and dreams meet reality. Let your journey toward knowledge and success begin with us! Each program is carefully designed by our highly skilled and knowledgeable faculty to guide you toward self-improvement and excellence. We aim to bring a positive transformation in you every day, providing opportunities for each student to learn and grow.

At Veerace, we teach you the right way to work hard, instilling the confidence and mindset you need to conquer your NEET exams. With a deep understanding of subjects and result-oriented, well-researched methods, Veerace has consistently produced exceptional results. We empower our students with knowledge and resilience, sending them across India to fulfill their dreams and make a difference as some of the best doctors in the country. Our students at AIIMS, JIPMER, BMC, and other top institutes stand as a testament to our commitment.

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Crash course, Registration

why choose us

Motivational talks by experts

R&D team that prepares mock question papers

15-17 hours of everyday study

Solving thousands of MCQs in every subject

Well-experienced faculty

One-to-one doubt-clarification session

Regular assessment of assignments and tests

Regular Parent-teacher meetings.

Exclusive workshop by the faculty from Kota

Separate hostel for boys and girls

Daily and weekend performance tests

Closely monitored study hours

Special emphasis on a nutritious diet

every day progeress reports

24x7 Security and Medical Assistance

Our Gallery

At Parishrama, long term courses are focused from the rudimentary to advanced level concepts. Our faculty provides in-depth understanding of topics making even the trickiest concepts crystal clear

NEET, IIT JEE MAIN & MHT-CET Coaching Classes At Vijayapur





VEERACE NEET Academy for me is the place which made me believe that I could fulfil my dream of becoming a doctor. There is no success without hard work and dedication is what Veeresh sir always tells and I agree with that. I planned and prepared as per the guidance of the faculty here and have reaped its results. The motivation sessions by Veeresh sir can change anyone's life entirely and make them believe in themselves. I scored 700 in NEET and am about to enter my dream college to pursue MBBS. Thanks, Parishrama!

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